Benefits and Services in VEC
浏览次数:1875次 更新时间:2019-09-17 15:36:45


Here at The VEC, we carefully analyse salaries in China and take into account local demographics, relationships and simple economics. In many cases the salary that you will be earning will be equivalent to more than twice the average local salary in a second- or third-tier city in China. Some local people might find it a little unpalatable that you receive a high wage in comparison to local workers. You will find a clause in the contract that asks you not to discuss your salary with local people in China. This is put there in the interests of good relations and civil sensibility.

8000 RMB per month (£950 approx depending on the exchange rate at the time) is the standard salary for new graduates teaching verbal English

The salary might be a little higher according to your qualifications, work experience and depending on the area of China in which you will be working.


You will not have to worry about finding accommodation when you get to China as an apartment will be provided. It may be basic, but it will be safe, clean, furnished and warm. Any rent will be paid before you receive your salary.

Three meals per day

Most schools will provide you with lunch at no cost. Many also provide breakfast and dinner, but this may vary from school to school. This will all be part of your individual contract and you will know details before you start work.

Flight bonus
Flight bonuses are applicable to some candidates depending on teaching experience. If you need to fly home before the end of your contract you will need to consider that cost – we recommend choosing a travel insurance policy that covers this.

Any flight bonuses are paid at the end of the contract as a lump sum.
The standard amount is 6000 RMB (approx. £750 depending on exchange rate at the time).
If you are still in China at the time the bonus is paid, you will receive it in RMB Chinese currency.
If you are flying back to the UK soon after your contract finishes, you can expect to receive it either as a transfer to an IBAN account or in cash (GBP) via Western Union (you will find outlets at many travel agents, shops and supermarkets).

Flights can cost as little as £350 or as much as £1000. The Chinese are quite flexible with arrival and fly-home dates in order to help you get the cheapest option.

Dedicated support staff at your school
Your main ongoing support will come from your school. Building a relationship with your school teachers, students and parents will be a key priority for you when you arrive.

You will be assigned a dedicated mentor at the school who speaks English (usually the English teacher).

You will also receive continual support from the team in Beijing who will liaise with you and your school should there be any challenges you might need help with.

There’s almost always challenges to overcome when you travel but you will always find people to help you. You are about to undertake a great adventure and learn a huge amount not just about China but also about yourself!

Overnight Hotel in Beijing on arrival
You will be greeted at Beijing International Airport and offered a hotel room where you can sleep and refresh yourself ready for the next stage of your journey.  Please don’t expect a luxury hotel, but it will be perfect for resting after your long flight.

You may have be able to explore Beijing before travelling to your school though if the school term has already started you may not have time.

Transport from Beijing to your school
You will usually travel to your school by train. This will be paid for in advance and you will be helped at the start and end of your journey.

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