Know more about China
浏览次数:3326次 更新时间:2019-09-17 10:36:58

Most schools have a well-cooperated with Verbaledu are Public Schools in China.
If you have little aknowledge about them in China, then take 
your time to read the articles following:

Comparing U.S. and Chinese Public School Systems 

1.Teachers in China are given more respect than teachers in the U.S.           
For example, teachers do not taxes on their salary, and they receive 
their own national holiday, Teachers Day, on September 29th .

2. Chinese schools have a hard work ethic, resulting in student success. 
3. Chinese schools do not segregate high achieving students from lower achieving 
students through tracking levels, like in the U.S. This is mostly due to the 
belief that all students can succeed if they put in the effort.

The U.S. education system has one core strength over the Chinese education system 
including U.S. institutions of higher learning. U.S. universities and colleges are 
the best in the world. Students from all over the world come to receive a high 
quality education in American universities.
One negative aspect of the Chinese education system is that high stakes testing 
in order to pass into the next grade results in many students left with no other
choice but to drop out of the school system all together.

And lastly, two negative aspects of the U.S. education system include:
1.While American students have the same amount of allocated time as Chines students
the amount of engaged time spent in school is dramatically less than their Chinese 
2. State curriculums and state testing does not make sense when standardized tests 
and textbooks are nationally normed and marked, respectively.

If schools in the U.S. public school system were to incorporate the positive 
aspects that make the Chinese school system so successful, schools inthe U.S. would 
in turn be more successful. It is my personal hope that educators and school 
administrators will compare schools in the U.S. to the  successful schools in other 
countries, including China.

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